Deck the Halls Read online

  Deck the Halls

  by Leah Sanders

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2020 LEAH SANDERS

  Edited by Kara Leigh Miller

  Cover Art by P.S. Cover Design

  To Wendy—

  For the encouragement

  and late-night writing sessions

  that made this book a thing


  Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly

  “I TOLD YOU, KATE. EVERYTHING NEEDS the personal touch,” Mrs. Cynthia Hall said sharply as she led the way through the front doors of the luxurious Edelweiss Resort. “This would never have happened if you had given it your personal touch. I’ve told you thousands of times.”

  Kate Curtis followed closely, pulling her small case behind her and fighting the urge to roll her eyes at her boss’s repetitive mantra, but in her mind she consoled her own bruised ego with the thought, Or maybe you shouldn’t have been so terrible to the steward at baggage check.

  “I don’t know, Mother,” Mrs. Hall’s son, Jake Adams, suggested. “It might have been her personal touch that caused the whole fiasco. Did you see the baggage clerk? He was thoroughly distracted by our Kate.” He shoved his way into the doorway alongside Kate and stopped beside her, deliberately brushing up against her before stepping past her into the lobby. “It was her flirting that did it. He didn’t hear a word you were saying to him.” He smirked back at Kate. “Notice she has her luggage.”

  Kate’s stomach roiled.

  She had once thought Jake hung the moon. He was tall, traditionally handsome with dark wavy auburn hair and that sexy two-day growth on his face.

  Then she got to know him.

  When Jake had found her alone in the office late one night, that was all it had taken to realize the guy had the personality of an octopus and just as many arms, and he wasn’t used to being told no.

  It had been a huge mistake. One she wanted to forget.

  The fact was, she had requested the time off for just that reason when Mrs. Hall announced her vacation. After all, if her boss was on vacation in Wyoming, she shouldn’t need a personal assistant. Mrs. Hall had refused, insisting that having Kate close was necessary in case anything came up that needed a personal touch.

  Now here she was in the mountains of Wyoming in the dead of winter, at a luxury ski resort.

  With the devil.

  And his mother.

  “Kate!” Mrs. Hall snapped.


  “Check us in!”

  “Right away, Mrs. Hall.” Kate left the two behind and turned toward the registration desk.

  The desk clerk greeted her as she approached. “Welcome to Edelweiss Resort. How may I help you today?” The girl had a Swiss-French accent. Nice touch at a luxury Swiss-style resort, made the upscale clientele forget they’re in Wyoming.

  “Hello,” Kate said, smiling back with her best personal touch grin. “We have a reservation for Cynthia Hall. A two-bedroom suite and one single room, I believe.”

  The clerk turned to her computer and typed the information into the system. Her brow furrowed slightly, and she typed some more. Not a good sign.

  “Is anything wrong?” Kate asked. She had the confirmation email on her phone, ready to show it if necessary.

  “I see the reservation for Ms. Hall. A two-bedroom suite…” She squinted at her screen. “I do not see the single room.” She typed a few more keys and continued to squint.

  “I have the confirmation email here.” Kate set her phone on the desk so the woman could inspect it and pointed to the number at the top. “The reservation was made six months ago. I called and made it myself.”

  The clerk looked at her email then back at her screen, tapping a few more keys. “I’m sorry, miss. I see the reservation, but somehow the single room has been removed. I’m very sorry. Let me see what I have available.”

  Kate cast a glance over her shoulder to where Mrs. Hall and Jake sat waiting. Mrs. Hall was looking at her watch. Jake was checking out the rear view of the woman in tight ski pants who had just walked past.

  Such a pig.

  “One moment please,” the clerk said and disappeared into the room behind her.

  Kate released a long, slow breath and waited.

  A moment later the clerk returned with what appeared to be her manager. Also not a good sign.

  “Thank you for your patience,” she said and nodded at the man with her.

  “Hello,” he said. “I’m Luca.” His accent sounded Swiss-French as well. He was tall and wore a red wool sweater with little white reindeer in a broad stripe across his chest. “I understand there is a problem with your reservation today.”

  “A problem?” Mrs. Hall chirped, suddenly standing beside Kate. “What kind of problem? Kate, you said you took care of this yourself.” Fortunately, Mrs. Hall was keeping her voice down. She did pride herself on being discreet… when the situation called for it.

  Here in the lobby of a luxury resort, surrounded by her own kind, the situation called for it.

  “It’s fine, Mrs. Hall,” Kate said. “They have your reservation.” She would have gone on to explain the problem, but Mrs. Hall cut her off.

  “Then why does he say there’s a problem?” She turned to Luca. “What is the problem?”

  “There’s just a small discrepancy, we are working to fix. Your reservation was to include a two-bedroom suite—”

  “Yes. Is there a problem with the suite?” Mrs. Hall interrupted.

  “No, madame. The suite is all ready for you,” Luca said, smiling again. Then he cleared his throat. “The problem is with the single room reservation.”

  Mrs. Hall glanced at Kate. “Ah, I see. It’s your room, Kate. And how do you propose to fix this issue, um…”


  “Yes, Luca. What are you planning to do?”

  “As I was just about to tell the young lady, we are quite full this week, and her room was inadvertently reallocated. I can find another hotel in town if she would like. The Edelweiss will take care of the bill, of course.”

  Kate nodded and was about to accept the offer. It would mean some space, maybe even a little peace and quiet. Not a bad deal.

  “Absolutely not. That is quite impossible, Luca. I can’t have her miles away in town when I might need her at any moment. She’s absolutely indispensable to me. Find something here. Now. I daresay I can make it worth your while.” Mrs. Hall leaned closer at that last part, saying it almost confidentially, like she didn’t want anyone to think she was offering him a bribe.

  The man shared a look with the desk clerk, and she shrugged almost imperceptibly.

  “I have one single room on the lower level. It is where we normally house the staff, but—” he started.

  “She’ll take it. Thank you, Luca. You are a gem!” Mrs. Hall said, laying her hand on his forearm for a brief instant. “Now, Kate, gather our room keys, and let’s get settled in. Jake and I are anxious to hit the slopes this afternoon.” Mrs. Hall leaned in momentarily to whisper in Kate’s ear. “You see, dear, the personal touch. You’re welcome.”

  The desk clerk beckoned to a bellhop who hurried to the counter and snatched up the room keys.

  “Will you follow me, madame?�
�� he asked cheerfully.

  Mrs. Hall waved at Jake to follow her. Kate grabbed her small case as well.

  “Miss?” It was Luca. He reached for her suitcase. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  “Before you start unpacking, Kate, call the airline. Track down the luggage. Then come to our suite. We’ll need to discuss our needs for the meantime,” Mrs. Hall said over her shoulder as she followed her bell hop in the opposite direction.

  Kate blew out another long-suffering breath. She desperately needed a new job.

  “Ready?” Luca held out his hand toward the opposite side of the room.

  “Do I have a choice?”

  Luca’s warm laugh seemed to wash over her. It was a nice sound. And not one she heard often.

  “Don’t worry. The dungeon has its perks,” he said and started down the hall toward the staff elevator.

  “Is one of them the ability to get permanently lost?” she asked as she followed close on his heels. “Because I’m not gonna lie… I could use the peace and quiet.”

  Luca pressed the button on the elevator and turned to face Kate, seeming to size her up in a glance. “You say the word, I can make it happen.”

  “Um…” Kate faltered. “I’m a little afraid to get in the elevator with you now.”

  A deep crimson flooded Luca’s face until he was the color of his festive sweater. “Yes, I heard it as it came out of my mouth,” he pointed at his face, “but by that time, it was too late. It sounded so much better in my head.”

  The chime sounded and the elevator door slid open. Kate hesitated a moment, regarding the man before her.

  Luca raised his free hand in surrender. “I promise I’m not dangerous.”

  It was Kate’s turn to laugh. She stepped into the elevator, and Luca followed behind her, carrying her suitcase.

  The ride down to the staff level was short, but Luca kept the conversation going.

  “You are on holiday with your mother?”

  “My m—? Oh, goodness, no. Mrs. Hall is my boss. She’s on vacation; I’m working.”

  “Ah, I see. That explains your need for peace and quiet. And the gentleman?”

  Kate rolled her eyes at the use of the peculiar word to describe Jake.

  “Mrs. Hall’s son. Though I’m not sure you can legally use the term gentleman in reference to him. At least not in the strictest definition of the word.”

  “Ah, yes. I shall use the term loosely then.” Luca smiled.

  He had a nice smile.

  The doors rolled open, and Luca held them with his hand and gestured to Kate. “After you.”

  “Thank you.” She stepped into the hallway and glanced right and left. It was a tad darker down here. The cedar-paneled walls were bare other than a few dimly lit sconces. No pictures or plants or other decorative touches that she had seen in the lobby.

  “It’s just down this way. Third door on the left.” Luca lifted Kate’s suitcase to indicate the direction she should go.

  “Is it always so dark down here?”

  “We don’t spend a lot of time down here while we’re on shift, so we conserve where we can.”

  “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. You probably don’t get a lot of actual guests down here.”

  “As a rule, none.”

  “Oh.” The answer worried Kate. Were they breaking rules for her? “Am I going to get into trouble down here?”

  “Not to worry. I have authority to make the call. And the rest of the staff will be notified of your situation. It will be fine.”

  Kate wasn’t so certain, but since she had no choice, there wasn’t much she could do at the moment.

  Luca unlocked the door to her room and handed her the key card. He stepped inside, laid her suitcase on the luggage stand, and switched on the lights.

  “You should have everything you need. Restroom is through there.” He pointed at the door to his right. “A kitchenette over here. Closet, television, bed.” In turn, he gestured toward each area.

  Kate stepped around him and scanned the room. “Cozy.”

  “Unfortunately, you won’t be able to order room service down here.” He glanced around the room as if deep in thought, then turned back toward her with his eyebrows raised. “However, if you do need anything, you may contact me directly. I can get you whatever you want.” He strode to the desk and pulled out a notepad and pen from the drawer. “Here’s my extension. This will ring directly to my cell phone. I’ll leave it here on the table for you. Don’t hesitate to call. Night or day, I’ll take care of it. Yes?”

  “Thank you, Luca.” Her smile came unforced. If ever there was a living example of the personal touch that Mrs. Hall raved about, this was it. “I’ll try my best not to have to use it.”

  “Nonsense.” His easy grin flashed at her again. “You are a guest at the resort. I’m happy when you are happy.” He bowed slightly and turned to go. “I’ll leave you to your peace and quiet now.”

  As the door clicked into place behind him, Kate’s phone chirped impatiently. “Yes, Mrs. Hall…” Kate said aloud without even glancing at the notification. She exhaled abruptly and went back to work.

  LUCA BURK PULLED THE door closed behind him. During his tenure at the Edelweiss Resort, he had seen many underappreciated personal assistants. But this girl… she was in a league all her own. And he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but somehow he knew she was meant for better things.

  Maybe it was the look of inspired exhaustion in her eyes, or maybe it was because she reminded him of someone he had known once. Someone he had been trying hard to forget.

  Luca shook off the unwelcome memory and headed back to the elevator. The best thing to do was go back to work, distract himself until the mood passed.


  ‘Tis the Season to Be Jolly

  “THE AIRLINES HAVE LOCATED YOUR LUGGAGE in Hawaii, Mrs. Hall. They should have it here by tomorrow evening.”

  “Tomorrow evening! That is completely unacceptable! Did you speak to a manager, Kate? Did you talk to him personally?”

  “Yes, ma’am. She was very apologetic and will be sending along some vouchers for dinner and a free flight.”

  “Coach class, no doubt. Never mind, Kate. I’ll talk to the president of the airline myself.” Mrs. Hall strode to the window and opened the curtains wide with a flourish. “We have a view of the mountain, at least. That much you did right, Kate.”

  She had meant it as a compliment, no doubt, but Kate only heard the insult and fought the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she broached the next subject quickly to avoid the awkward silence that would only serve to accentuate her lack of response to Mrs. Hall’s back-handed compliment.

  “What will you need in order to get you through until the luggage arrives, Mrs. Hall?”

  Mrs. Hall muttered under breath, an indication that her patience was running thin. It was apparent she thought Kate should already know the answer to her own question.

  “Kate… what am I paying you for? Use your imagination, dear. I have nothing but my business attaché and handbag. What do you think I will need?” She paused as if she expected Kate to answer the question, but Kate knew better and waited her out.

  “For starters, both Jake and I want to ski today. We will need suitable clothing and accoutrements for that activity. Afterward, we will need to change for dinner. Find out what some of the other guests are wearing, and make sure our attire falls in line while surpassing them at the same time.” She waved her hand back and forth as she spoke as if it didn’t matter what Kate chose, then glanced over her shoulder suddenly. “Aren’t you writing this down, dear?”

  Kate scrambled for her phone and stylus.

  Mrs. Hall sighed and turned back to the window. “Sleepwear, obviously.”

  At that, Jake cleared his throat. “Speak for yourself, Mother.” He raised an eyebrow and replayed his suggestive smirk for only Kate to see, then added, “I sleep in the nude.”

  “Really, Jake,” his mother chid
ed, never looking at him. “Stop teasing poor Kate. She has enough to keep her occupied right now without that thought dancing about in her head.”

  Kate wished Mrs. Hall hadn’t used the word dancing. The unfortunate visual was blazoned into her mind’s eye, and her stomach turned over again. If she made it through the afternoon without vomiting, it would be a miracle.

  “We’ll eat breakfast in our rooms, so we won’t have to dress for it. But I do intend to spend some time strolling through the village before lunch, so plan accordingly. We might possibly be able to get away without changing for lunch. It is Wyoming, after all. I should think some exceptions can be made considering our circumstances.” She slapped her hands on her thighs and spun to face them. “That and some basic toiletries should carry us through.”

  Kate hesitated, waiting for the list of what Mrs. Hall considered basic toiletries.

  “Well, off with you, Kate! We want to hit the slopes!”

  At that Kate bolted for the door. She didn’t wait to be told twice.

  THE CONCIERGE WAS HER first stop. He would have a list of contacts Kate could use to acquire what Mrs. Hall needed. Since skiing was the first thing on the agenda, she would address that first.

  “May I help you, mademoiselle?” The concierge was a distinguished-looking man, dark-haired with a touch of silver at the temples. He wore a black short-sleeved, double-breasted waistcoat with handstitched lapels, embroidered with tiny white edelweiss flowers. Under that was a white silk shirt and a black ribbon tied in a perfectly-proportioned bow around his collar. The gold bar below his right lapel was engraved with the name Roald.

  Kate stepped forward to his counter and offered her best business smile. “Yes, I hope you can, Roald.” She proceeded to ask him for a list of local contacts she could use to order the necessities for Mrs. Hall.

  Since Huckleberry Falls was a resort town that pandered to the rich and famous, it should be possible to request a private fitting in Mrs. Hall’s suite for most of the things she wanted.

  “Everything okay here?” It was Luca. He stopped next to them as Kate discussed her list with Roald.